Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Building Muscles The Natural Way

[et_pb_section bb_built="1" admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="row"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] When people see magazines of musclebound men and well-toned women, some of them think of getting their body looking just like that: well toned, strong, in shape (no, ‘round’ is not an acceptable shape) just as nature intended. Lucky for us, we have ways to get fit, both by using tools and through hard work. But how do you get there? What does it take to build muscle? How does it work?  

How Muscle Mass Grows

We have several kinds of muscles. There are the cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles. These cells that make up these muscles have two purposes: to expand and contract. When they all work in concert, our bodies can move, digest, breathe and ultimately, live. What we want to train for gains is our skeletal muscles. These cells are responsible for moving your bones, allowing you to thereby move your body. When you work out, your muscles and bones get damaged. When you bench press that barbel, you create tiny tears in your chest muscles. The damage is minimal, less than 1% of its mass, but when you stop working out and start resting, the magic happens. Muscles begin their repair by gathering materials to make protein. They “remember” how much damage they took and add a little bit more protein to avoid getting damaged again. If the damage is great enough, your brain will order certain cells to turn into muscle cells. When this happens regularly, your muscle cells thicken and increase, causing muscle growth and increased strength. One last thing to add to the bulk is glycogen. Your body needs the energy to do things, so when your muscles realize that they need more "easily available" energy, they hoard glycogen, increasing the muscle's overall mass.  

How Your Hormones Affect Muscle Growth

Testosterone, in particular, is the main hormone that affects muscle growth. When you work out, your brain triggers the release of testosterone. When your muscles receive or detect these hormones, it triggers them to magnify and quicken the repair process. This is why SARMs and Steroids help boost muscular growth. They act like testosterone, making your muscles behave accordingly. Users have reported magnifying their gains twofold with proper use. Another kind of compound that can affect muscle growth is Omega 3, which can be found in abundance in Arachidonic Acid. This compound is responsible for your body's inflammation process. Abundant amounts of arachidonic acid facilitates proper inflammation of the muscles, speeding up repair and recovery. Arachidonic Acid can come in a food supplement form, which can be taken like a multivitamin.  

How To Get Good Gains

This guideline is better suited to people who want to build muscle, but some of it applies to anyone who wants to stay fit and be healthy, which is what everyone should do.  
  • Eat well and eat right

For people who are working on bulking themselves up, eat a lot. Have a diet heavy with protein and calories, but eat right as well, cut the junk food and soda. A greasy burger or a thick steak is alright every now and then, but only when you’re bulking up. For those in the cutting phase, lose the calories, but stay heavy on the protein.  
  • Keep your workout short but sweet

When we say sweet, we mean intense. This is to take advantage of your body's reaction to high-stress situations. Short, high-intensity workouts damage the muscles enough to trigger inflammation and repair. Plus, it gives you more time to rest, which is the other half of bodybuilding.  
  • Rest in between

Since rest is where the muscle begins to gain mass, you should capitalize on it. Keep your workouts a day apart. In some cases, you can work out certain muscle groups on one day, then the next group on the second. Ex. Chest, biceps, shoulders on one day, then back, triceps, abs, and legs on the other. The point is to ensure that the muscles you tore will rest for a day or two.  
  • Sleep for eight hours

Your body goes to a certain state during sleep, maximizing repairs and rebalancing your body chemistry. Get your full eight hours to get the most out of the repairs, Any more than that can cause dips in your energy and any less will make you feel more tired.  
  • Stick with it!

Plan your workout program fully and set a rigid schedule. Don't get lazy. Keep pushing yourself until you complete your program. The only way quitting is ever accepted is if your last rep is "pumping to failure."   [/et_pb_text][et_pb_button admin_label="Buy SARMs Now" _builder_version="3.0.51" button_text="Buy SARMs Now" button_url="https://olympiclabz.com/shop/" url_new_window="on" button_alignment="left" background_layout="light" custom_button="on" button_text_color="#e02b20" button_letter_spacing="0" button_icon_placement="right" button_on_hover="off" button_text_color_hover="#68d800" button_letter_spacing_hover="0" saved_tabs="all" /][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

The above article Building Muscles The Natural Way was first published to Olympic Labz


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