Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Are SARMs Only Good For Bulking? What About Endurance?

[et_pb_section bb_built="1" admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="row"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] You’ve heard about steroids and what they can do to your body, If you haven’t, steroids make cells receive a flood of testosterone. By receiving increased testosterone, muscle cells increase their protein intake, bone cells gather more calcium and certain organs switch to “high performance mode.”  The problem with this is that steroids come with some rough side-effects like acne, testicular shrinkage, and increased body hair (which might not be a problem for some). Then came SARMs. Short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, SARMs are the next generation of products that produce similar effects to anabolic steroids but with dramatically fewer side-effects. This works wholly because of their ‘selective' nature. SARMs only affect certain cells like muscle and bones. Leaving the rest of your body to function normally. But the question still remains: Are SARMs only good for bulking? Cutting? What about Endurance?  

Yes! SARMs Can Be Used To Increase Endurance

There are several formulations of SARMs tailor-made for specific users. There are SARMs like RAD 140 and Ostarine that are optimized for muscular growth. There are others like Cardarine and SR9009 that focus less on muscle growth and more on optimizing your body's metabolism. Which one is best for you? There are several SARMs out there that may fit your particular training regime, so it’s best to familiarize yourself with what’s available.  

Types of SARMs For Endurance

You’ll notice that all SARMs are labeled by their codes. They may come with different names, but the code will always determine what type of SARMs they are.  
  • SR9009 / Stenabolic

Technically speaking, SR9009 is not a SARM. It's a PPAR agonist. The reason it's grouped with SARMs is that it enhances your performance, modulates select cells and causes minimal side effects. PPAR is short for Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor. When these receptors are stimulated or "agonized," cells process more cholesterol, carbs and fats. Put simply. PPAR agonists switch a cell's "Power Mode" from "Battery Saver" to "High Performance." Furthermore, it causes cells to burn calories instead of storing them, preventing the production of fat.  When you burn more calories, your body sends the command to start burning fats. Stenabolic aids the conversion of fats to energy, giving you nearly twice the stamina you once had. While SR9009 is great for cutting fat to reveal your muscles, it’s equally great for increasing your endurance. The recommended dosage for Stenabolic is 15mg to 30mg a day, (depending on your weight and training intensity). Due to its short half-life, it's best to take your a dose every 2-4 hours. Ex. 20 mg per day, 5 mg taken every ttjree hours until you reach 20 mg. As far as side effects go, users have reported feeling tired and weak during the first 2 hours of consumption. This is mainly due to the gap of energy experienced when the body runs out of quick-burn calories and shifts to metabolizing fat. This can take a little while, but once the body processes enough fats, the side-effect disappears. People also report increased appetites, which can get in the way of losing weight. Thankfully, a bit of conditioning solves it.  
  • GW 505516 / Cardarine

Constantly compared to Stenabolic, Cardarine is often hailed as the "holy grail" of endurance enhancing products. Like Stenabolic, Cardarine is a PPAR agonist, but it has a more potent effect. According to clinical trials on mice that were given a high-fat diet, they still managed to lose fat. This is due to Cardarine's ability to so efficiently stimulate your muscles, lungs, and heart. When doing any kind of training, what you don’t want to do is reach your absolute maximum heart rate. When you reach your max heart rate, you’ll start to feel winded and likely lose your momentum. Cardarine stimulates your body to keep it fueled. This diminishes the need for the heart to pump more blood to the system. In some cases, users stack Cardarine with Andarine, an actual SARM that mimics testosterone effects. Though they claim that this is the best endurance and cutting combo, do your homework first. The recommended minimum dosage of Cardarine is 20 mg, taken in one go, or distributed throughout the day. The latter is better for first timers. As far as side effects are concerned, it’s the same as Stenabolic. Any other side effects can be caused by overdosage and preexisting conditions, which vary from user to user.   [/et_pb_text][et_pb_button admin_label="Buy SARMs Now" _builder_version="3.0.51" button_text="Buy SARMs Now" button_url="" url_new_window="on" button_alignment="left" background_layout="light" custom_button="on" button_text_color="#e02b20" button_letter_spacing="0" button_icon_placement="right" button_on_hover="off" button_text_color_hover="#68d800" button_letter_spacing_hover="0" saved_tabs="all" /][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

The following post Are SARMs Only Good For Bulking? What About Endurance? is republished from Olympic Labz


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