Thursday, 28 September 2017

What SARMs Should I be Taking?

It's incredibly motivating when you see positive gains when you work out. After tiring and aching day after day, it's nice to look in the mirror and see yourself getting into shape. For those who want an extra edge, or to gain more over a shorter period, there are steroids. The problem is, steroids have a bunch of side effects. The effects could be unaesthetic, such as male pattern baldness and acne. It can also cause some serious health issues like liver, kidney and hormonal imbalances, some of which are difficult to reverse. Enter SARMs. The Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator acts like steroids. It gives similar or the same positive effects with little to no side effects. Sounds too good to be true? Maybe. SARMs only affect certain parts of the body (the ones that count, like muscles and bones), which is why they have fewer side-effects.  

The Type Depends on What You’re Doing to Your Body

There are multiple reasons why people work out. Either you’re training for something like a sport or a hobby such as skiing or mountain climbing.  You could be working out to primarily lose weight. You could also be working out because you want to get ripped. If you want to get ripped, you’ll usually do two things: Bulking up and Cutting.
  • Bulking Up
As the term says, your goal is to gain as much muscle mass as possible. This means pumping iron with increasing weights and eating many nutritional proteins and fats. For beginners, this is the phase where they will learn how to specifically manage their muscles.
  • Cutting
The fat-loss portion of getting ripped. This means moderate weight lifting with strict diet and exercises meant to reduce fat. This can also be considered as weight-loss training but there are other exercise programs dedicated to losing fat  

Before Using SARMs

Make sure you're healthy. SARMs may not have the same side effects as steroids, but people with increased risk for liver, kidney and pancreas disease should take care when using them. Since SARMs manipulate hormones to some degree, it would be best to have your doctor screen your hormonal levels to further ensure you won't get any complications.  

Types of SARMs and How to Best Use Them

There are many types of SARMs and combinations (like the Gold Stack) currently available in the market. New ones are coming out by the year and some are getting better formulations. For now, we’ll cover the popular ones and when they are best used along with any notable side effects. Note that all SARMs are taken orally, either in pill or liquid form.  

LGD 4033

Also known as Ligandrol, LGD 4033 is a potent SARM. It has positive effects on muscular growth and overall vitality factors like bones, blood, and energy. It comes in pill form.  
  • Best For:
The bulking phase of your program. Clinical trials on LGD showed ample muscle growth to people who took 1mg of it, without exercise. Users review that it is effective when building muscle up and it increases appetite.  
  • Side Effects
LGD is known for its suppressive effects on testosterone production. It should not harm a healthy person, but people with hormonal issues best be careful. For maximum safety, it’s best to take hormonal supplements after your bulking cycle. (AKA post cycle therapy)  

Ostarine MK 2866

Perhaps the most popular SARM around, Ostarine MK 2866 is also one of the earliest SARMs to be marketed. Its dosage is more than LGD and it comes in pill form.  
  • Best For
Cutting. Ostarine's effect is more into muscle preservation. This is good when you want to keep your muscles while cutting the calories or during rest periods.  
  • Side Effects
Like LGD, MK 2866 can suppress testosterone production. The effects usually wear off when you’re done using it, but use a PCT for best results.  

RAD 140

A new contender in the market and a potent one for that. It’s boasting to be the most potent among all types of SARMs. What makes it potent is that it has no reported long-term side effects that could potentially damage you.  
  • Best For
Bulking. RAD promises to give the same, if not greater, muscle growth potential as anabolic steroids. According to medical tests at least, its results were much greater.  
  • Side Effects
Though it's marketed with virtually zero side effects, users report minor headaches and sleeplessness. So far there are no severe side effects on healthy people and a low dose is recommended for starters.  

The following post What SARMs Should I be Taking? was originally seen on


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