Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Different SARMs Offer Different Results

In the realm of performance enhancing drugs, the word “steroids” comes into mind. Steroids, commonly referred to as anabolic steroids, promote muscle growth and bone density. This makes them favorable for bodybuilders, people who want to excel at their hobby sport, or those who simply want an aesthetically better body quicker than naturally possible. Still, steroids are about as famous as they’re infamous due to the many side effects they causes. Some are temporary and can be reversed by treatment while others are permanent. Some of the more feared effects are total testosterone production shut-down, liver damage, and kidney failure. There's also more unattractive effects such as shrinkage of the testicles, baldness, acne, and roid-rage. Then came SARMs, which have the potential to change the entire performance enhancing drugs industry.  

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs)

As the name suggests, SARMs are a compound that only affects select androgen receptors. Most cells in our body have these receptors and they respond to testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for developing features we consider to be more masculine, with Estrogen being the equivalent for more feminine features. When the body releases testosterone, cells pick it up and react in a certain way. Muscles gather more protein to grow bigger and faster, bones collect more calcium and minerals to make itself stronger and so on. This is how the body controls itself using hormones. By understanding how it works, SARMs and Steroids "mimic" testosterone and make our bodies respond in certain ways. Essentially, we're hacking our hormones to make ourselves stronger and faster.  

Why Choose SARMs over Steroids?

It can be argued that Steroids are still better because there’s plenty of real-world data around them. We know the effects and we know the side-effects, so we know how to counteract these problems that show up. We also know the long-term effects, both positive and negative. What about SARMs? Though they have only become popular recently, SARMs have actually existed since the 1990s. The problem is that there’s not a lot of human-based studies about them. Most of the established studies of SARMs were performed on lab rats. However, if compared to the steroids research on lab rats, the results of SARMs stand out. As many lifters have learned from firsthand experience, SARMs are also much safer than steroids. Presently, SARMs are categorized as an “experimental substance.” Don’t let that fool you. That term is only a way to avoid potential legal pitfalls. SARMs are an established product and there are many users who have shared positive results. One of the main benefits of using SARMs is fewer side effects. They don't raise blood pressure nor affect hormones very much. There's also little need for additional supplements to support your cycles just to keep your health balanced. This, in turn, makes SARMs safer and less expensive in the long run.    

Different Types of SARMs

Due to their experimental phase in the past, they are named by codes such as LGD 4033, unlike some drugs that have "generic names" like ibuprofen or amoxicillin. Either way, some SARMs have a generic name as well as their accompanying code-like designator. Before you start any programs with SARMs or anabolic steroids, always consult a professional. The effects of these products are different from person to person. Here are some of the more popular types of SARMs.  
  • S-4 / GTx-007 - Andarine

Made to be taken orally, Andarine was originally developed by GTx Incorporated. This formulation has a near equal effect to Testosterone Propionates, (Synthetic Male Hormone injected directly into the muscle) without the typical side effects like risks of prostate diseases. S-4’s effect on muscle gain is relatively weak compared to other SARMs, but users have reported significant muscle mass retention and fat loss while using the product. This makes Andarine effective during the cutting or weight-loss phase of the bodybuilding cycle.   Nevertheless, Andarine isn’t without its own side effects. Some users report night-blindness and an unnatural but just barely noticeable yellowish vision. Others report decreased testosterone levels in the body. The good news is that the side effects slowly but surely reverse after around a month of use.  
  • LGD 4033 - Ligandrol

A fairly new formulation, this product has recently passed clinical trials that prove it's safe under moderate dosage. Ligandrol is to be taken orally and is classified as a "nonsteroidal" SARM. The formulation shines in three areas: Muscle growth, regaining strength, and an increase in bone density. This product is more favored during the bulking phase, where the bodybuilder’s goal is to gain as much muscle and body mass as possible. The side-effects are that Ligandrol suppresses testosterone activity, almost down to a halt. Some recommend taking a PCT (Post Cycle Treatment) to resume the hormonal balance. The shutdown of testosterone has the potential to lead to depression and quick loss of muscle mass.  
  • MK 677 - Ibutamoren

Another orally administered formulation. This particular formulation focuses more on raising appetite and encourages the release of growth hormones without affecting cortisol levels. Ibutamoren is more favored in the bulking phase due to the significant increase in growth and recovery rates. Ibutamoren is a non-hormonal SARM, which means it doesn’t affect your hormonal cycle. That being said, it does not require PCT since your testosterone doesn’t change. Do not take Ibutamoren if you have an increased risk of diabetes since an Ibutamoren side effect is an increase in blood sugar levels. The elevated growth hormone levels also cause minor joint pain as well as numbing and tingling in the fingers. Thankfully, these effects are only temporary.  
  • GW501516 - Cardarine

GW501516 is chemically not a SARM but is grouped with the bunch due to its similar effects. Cardarine is a PPAR Delta Modulator, with its main benefits being metabolism control and using blood glucose to create more muscle. This translates to an increase in stamina, which is suitable for cutting phases or weight loss programs. It’s not as potent as other SARMs but shines when it comes to building lean muscle. There are no documented side effects from using the drug either in the long or short term. There was a study suggesting that Cardarine could potentially be a carcinogen, but that was never proven to be conclusive. The only real known negative effects are if the drug gets taken at overdose levels.  

Different SARMs Offer Different Results was originally published on https://olympiclabz.com/


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