Monday, 25 September 2017

LGD 4033: All You Need to Know

Steroids are already known to boost your muscle growth and strength. In fact, they’re so effective that they were banned from any official sport because of the extreme advantage they offer users over those who don’t take them. The real problem with steroids is that they come packed with all sorts of unwanted side effects. To avoid these side effects, people have to either take a dose so small it doesn’t offer any benefit or combine their doses with a fistful of supplements. Sometimes though, even the most meticulous steroid user still get terrible side effects, often permanently. Then came SARMs, short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. These drugs are similar to steroids except for one thing: they don’t have the same profound side effects. SARMs work by only attaching to specific cells like those that make up your muscles and bones, while they leave other parts untouched. Their formulation allows people to get their sweet, sweet gains without the bitter side-effects. One such SARM formulation that’s popular right now is LGD-4033. A few years ago, SARMs were strictly experimental drugs so they didn’t have proper pharmaceutical names yet, but now the product is more known by its generic name: Ligandrol   What is LGD-4033 aka Ligandrol The formulation is a non-steroidal compound that attaches to a cell’s androgen receptors. When the compound attaches, the cells recognize it as testosterone and act accordingly, usually by gathering protein or calcium, depending on what the modulator tells it to do. For the most part, SARMs attach to muscle tissue and leaves everything else virtually untouched. The drug was aptly named by the company that discovered it, Ligand Pharmaceuticals and is currently being manufactured by Viking Therapeutics. It was first tested on monkeys and it showed positive growth in all subjects, though there was a bit of a snag when they ran into a toxicity problem. Eventually, the dose was adjusted and was tested on willing people, some of whom were recovering from injuries. The test concluded with flying colors as people recovered faster, gained more mass and suffered very little or no side-effects. Presently, Ligandrol is among the most potent SARMs on the market due to its high anabolic effects (muscle building) compared to its androgenic effects (potentially bad effects to the body’s hormonal balance). Current users report gains of up to 1.5lbs a week when using Ligandrol. This is with adequate training and a diet with enough protein and carbohydrates to sustain the growth. This effect is quite close to that of steroids, but with significantly fewer or zero negative issues.   Guide to Using LGD 4033 Ligandrol normally comes in a liquid form. Depending on your weight and fitness goals, the minimum dose should be 3mg whilst the maximum should only be at 15mg. Any more than that could actually lead to unwanted side-effects. Cycles should be no longer than 12 weeks, then stop the product for another 12 weeks before starting again. Ligandrol is best used during the bulking phase. Its effect is designed to grow muscle and the gains are relatively close to steroids. It could arguably be less, but the lack of side-effects more than makes up for any extra time needed to reach your intended levels. LGD 4033 is not recommended to be used in the cutting phase as it doesn't have a noticeable effects on fat loss.   Benefits of LGD 4033 Outside of Muscle Building This formulation offers more than just gains. There are various clinical trials already set for its medicinal uses. Due to the lack of side-effects, researchers believe LGD 4033 could be used in therapy.    

  • Prevents Wasting Syndrome or Cachexia
Cachexia occurs commonly in cancer patients. Basically, the body receives constant stress over a long period and it starts to weaken everywhere. Muscles begin to deteriorate and bones become brittle, all while the body concentrates on keeping itself alive. LGD promotes muscular growth and maintains it, which helps fight off or prevent wasting syndrome.    
  • Used to combat erectile dysfunction and low libido
LGD has the indirect effect of increasing testosterone levels. Higher testosterone in individuals helps the body in a number of ways, especially when it comes to getting it ready for intercouse. LGD 4033 offers performance when it’s needed the most.    
  • Used as a way to treat osteoporosis
LGD promotes bone mass density, potentially stopping and curing osteoporosis. It also strengthens the back muscles, allowing full support of the spine during the recovery phase. LGD is marketed to have virtually zero side effects with nearly all the effects of steroids. Still, like any supplement or medicine, always remember to use it in moderation.  

The featured article LGD 4033: All You Need to Know is courtesy of


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