Wednesday, 20 September 2017

How Testosterone Will Help You Stay Lean As You Age

Using SARMs and Testosterone Boosters to Prevent Sarcopenia At some point in life, we all reach our prime. For most people, it's probably around our late 20's until our early 40's. Afterwards, sarcopenia starts up which is limitations on the body taking place and cellular regeneration slows down. Likewise, our metabolism slows down as do our recovery times as we age. These changes also affect our idle calorie burn, which can lead to higher fat accumulation if you don’t exercise. As sad as that may be, it’s just how nature works on us. But what if you can change that? Sure, you can’t completely stop it, but you can dramatically slow the march of aging. Today’s technology and research allows the use of drugs that can chemically alter your body in a variety of ways. Altering the natural order has its consequences, but there is always a proper way to do anything. With that said, how can you keep in shape using these drugs? What are they?  

Testosterone Boosters and Anabolic Steroids

Though classified as an androgen, meaning a chemical that generates “andro” or “masculine” effects, testosterone is present in both men and women. When it comes to using anabolic steroids, the drug floods the body with testosterone. This hormone affects the body not just in its development, (for example, during puberty) but also affects muscular retention and offers many more benefits.
  • You accumulate less fat and develop more muscle
Testosterone is known to increase muscle mass. More muscles mean more calories burned while idle and even more when active. This hormone also decreases fat accumulation, giving a one-two punch against gaining weight via fat.
  • You increase and retain bone density
Testosterone is responsible for a majority of bone development, such as the widening of shoulders and maintaining bone mass. Heightened testosterone in your system allows further bone development and increases overall bone density.
  • Better logical thinking and libido
While not related to staying in shape, it’s worth mentioning that testosterone affects more than just muscles and bones. It also affects memory retention and spatial abilities. All these factors start to decline after a certain age, so it’s not a bad thing to maintain.  

Side-effects and Other Unwanted Effects of Testosterone and Anabolic Steroids

Unfortunately, altering your body’s hormones will cause negative effects as well. Taking testosterone haphazardly or taking more than what’s recommended will produce faster effects but will also cause worse side-effects. Some people suffer fewer side effects while others go through much more. Similarly, some people suffer symptoms that are unique to their bodies. Some of the common side effects are the following. While there are more side effects, these are what affect people the most:
  • Increased risk of liver, heart, kidney, and prostate diseases
  • Partial to total shutdown of your testosterone production
  • Lower sperm count, leading to impotence
  • Increased risk of tendon injuries and arthritis
  • Shrinkage of the testicles
  • Earlier onset of male-pattern baldness

The Best Approach When Using Anabolic Steroids and Testosterone

The devil is in the dosage. You take the drug a certain amount, for a certain duration with either increasing or decreasing dose amounts over the following weeks. In that time frame, you can train and exercise to significantly boost results. Once a decision has been made to stop taking anabolic steroids or testosterone, it’s recommended to take a post cycle therapy (PCT), which restores regular hormone function. A standard example is taking 500mg of Anabolic Steroids per week for 2 months then increase the dose to 600mg per week for the next 2 months. After stopping, you take your PCT for a certain amount of time to set your body’s hormone balance to normal.   There is a new contender in the market of performance enhancing drugs. One that promises nearly the same results, but with dramatically fewer side effects. Enter SARMs.  

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARM)

As stated, SARMs offer nearly identical with far fewer side-effects. In comparison, steroids work by stimulating all cells to increase protein intake and everything else it commands to do. This is what leads to side-effects like baldness, acne and liver toxicity. SARMs are selective. They only attach to muscles and bones and contain compounds that suppress testosterone activity in other cells. This method ensures that only your bones and muscles get the benefit, leaving the rest of your body untouched. Once again, the devil is in the dosage. There are recommended cycles out there for SARMs and it's best to follow them or take on a minimal amount with smaller dosages and longer periods of time. This effectively reduces the side-effects to those that will naturally recover on their own. Combine this with a healthy diet and exercise and you’re sure to not just maintain your weight, but meet goals you never thought possible.  

The following blog post How Testosterone Will Help You Stay Lean As You Age was first published to Olympic Labz


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